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There's an issue in Silicon Valley and I think the technology industry as a whole, we think adding features increases value, while adding features actually decreases the experience and the focus.
Cette chasse aux interstitiels doit être envisagée dans une approche plus globale d’allégement de son site ou de “désencombrement”.
Au-delà de faciliter la navigation, la réduction de la publicité au strict minimum et la suppression des images ou vidéos inutiles (entre autres) permettent de recentrer l’attention de l’utilisateur.
Excellent article, documenté et sourcé, sur les études sociolinguistiques explorant le rapport entre la langue écrite et orale, et la pensée, dans le cadre d'une langue inclusive.
Generating social share images with a serverless function and headless browser.
Because it takes time to set up a connection with the Google Fonts domains, and because that connection is needed before the render-blocking CSS can be downloaded, it can delay rendering metrics like Largest Contentful Paint.
Great resource to understand React, actually
A tour of the internals of Chrome's rendering architecture, tracing the steps in the pipeline from web content to display pixels. Concretizes high-level concepts with pointers to important classes and data structures in the codebase.
Lors de mes missions chez le client, j’estime que mon travail ne se contente pas de seulement développer telle ou telle fonctionnalité demandée, mais d’avoir un rôle de conseil et d’accompagnement.
De ce fait, lorsque le PO (oui je boss très souvent dans des contextes agiles), vient avec l’idée de placer des encarts de pubs, ou encore d’ajouter un formulaire en plusieurs étapes, ou d’ajouter une vidéo, mon rôle de Software craftsmanship intervient, et plutôt que de répondre
The answer is, as with most matters: It depends. Depending on the type of content you’re working with and the kind of information you’re asking for, it could easily either be one checkbox or two radio buttons. The collection of answers above can hopefully help you make a more informed decision. But as with all user interfaces, nothing beats the input you can get from user testing and research. So hopefully the answers above can at least serve as a starting point in situations where you need more to make a decision.
This is where another Sentry feature comes into play. After you’ve signed up and configured everything, head to the Performance section and you’ll see which transactions are getting better over time and which have regressed, or gotten slower
Revisitant 60 ans d'histoire en France et chez nos voisins allemands et britanniques à l'aide d´archives éclairantes et avec des témoins et des spécialistes de premier plan, ce film déconstruit le mythe de l'excellence du maintien de l'ordre à la française tout en posant une question essentielle pour la démocratie : les manières de faire de la police, quand elle est confrontée à des citoyens en colère.
We’ve seen how the “feel” of a site can affect the business, but what does all of that tell us about how to build our sites?
- How fast should we be to reduce frustration?
- What should we be considering in our performance budgets?
- How do we leave our users feeling happy?
- I think these may be secondary questions…
A better question to start with, is:
Will adding a new feature delight or frustrate the user?
En rythme de croisière, et grâce à une stratégie de cache plutôt défensive, 3 machines standard (8 vCPU et 30 Go de RAM) sous Node sont suffisantes pour supporter la charge. Ce dimensionnement est auto-scalable en cas de très fort pic de trafic, c’est-à-dire que le nombre de machines augmentera automatiquement pour absorber l’afflux de connexion. De quoi envisager plus sereinement les grandes soirées de matchs.
If you’re using anti-flicker snippets as part of your experimentation toolset, you should measure how long visitors are being shown a blank screen, with the aim of reducing the timeout values or even removing the anti-flicker snippet completely.
Great site called Operator Lookup that explains how JavaScript operators work. There are some code examples to explain what they do as well, which is pretty handy.
Not having to use a JavaScript framework also meant that HTML, not JSX or Vue components, is now front and center in the code you write. This helped me avoid the usual traps when writing React: the infamous div soup, inaccessible components, or non-semantic tags.
A couple of years ago, my first few days on a new web performance project were always slow going. […] In a bid to address this, I introduced a new tool into my arsenal so that I could hit the ground running much faster, and get answers to my clients much sooner.
Extended Validation certificates are expensive and degrade performance. Move to an OV certificate if you can!
In this case, we were given expectations of what content would be displayed and where, and those expectations ended up being misleading. We now have to re-orient ourselves to where the content ends up being displayed.
When the skeleton screen doesn’t match the outcome, we’ve created confusion and frustration that will overcome any benefit you might have gotten from trying to handle that delay in a better way.
On reproche souvent aux Single Page Applications de négliger l'accessibilité. Même si c'est trop souvent le cas, ça n'est pas une fatalité, et il y a même quelques moyens à travers desquels les frameworks et l'écosystème JavaScript peuvent participer à son amélioration.