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"La propriété CSS appearance permet de modifier la mise en forme native du système d'exploitation, et notamment d'annuler tous les styles de base pour pouvoir les re-styler tranquillement comme souhaité."
Array.prototype.include() and ** operator.
"It’s time to take a new approach on how you design the email field. The solution is not another field to fill out, but to give clarity to the existing field. Prominent placement, larger input size and a specific label are what you need. Make this change and kill the email confirmation field once and for all."
Lightweight JavaScript library for accurate web loading progress.
"We created Let’s Encrypt in order to make getting and managing TLS certificates as simple as possible. For Let’s Encrypt subscribers, this usually means obtaining an ACME client and executing some simple commands. Ultimately though, we’d like for most Let’s Encrypt subscribers to have ACME clients built in to their server software so that obtaining an additional piece of software is not necessary. The less work people have to do to deploy HTTPS the better!"
"We went from plain HTML and JS to using a package manager to automatically download 3rd party packages, a module bundler to create a single script file, a transpiler to use future JavaScript features, and a task runner to automate different parts of the build process."
In many cases in JavaScript coding, integers larger than 253 come up, where casting to a double-precision float would lose real, relevant data. This proposal provides a new, second primitive numeric type, BigInt, to meet those use cases.
A tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax.
Quelques enseignements de l'aventure Cozy Cloud, par l'ex CTO.
Collection of data visualizations to get inspired and finding the right type.
"Je veux être bien clair : je pense qu’AMP est un framework qui a été conçu avec de bonnes intentions, pensé pour résoudre le vrai problème d’un Web devenu bien trop lent pour ses utilisateurs. Mais utiliser AMP ? Le prix pour le Web, et pour ceux qui y gagnent leur vie, est vraiment, vraiment trop important."
Combining the AsciiDoc markup language with the Hugo publishing platform produces fast, easy-to-maintain websites and blogs.
Une feature toute bête que j'attendais depuis longtemps, et qui devrait permettre d'améliorer la conformité au besoin client.
Analyse statistique de millions de fichiers robots.txt