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"In the first tutorial of the series, you will learn about the basics of Anime.js. You will learn things like like selecting target elements and animating different properties related to them."
"Forms on the web don't usually play nice with bad connections. If you try to submit a form while offline, you'll most likely just lose your input. Here's how we might fix that."
What the Internet was like ten years ago.
C3.js D3-based reusable chart library
"In Symfony 3.3 we added HTTP/2 Push support for web assets (CSS, JS, images) to allow preloading them as explained in the Preload W3C Working Draft."
Technical Introduction to React by a maintainer of PostGraphQL, a GraphQL API-generator on top of PostgreSQL.
Alors que le Web transite peu à peu vers HTTPS, une autre révolution arrive, celle de la généralisation de HTTP/2 et du Server Push.
"If you navigate to https://gohugo.io and look in the Chrome developer network console, you should now see Push as the new source (“Initiator”) for the CSS and JSS:"
Un logo officiellement non-officiel pour un terme qui n'appartient à personne.
"Understand how the Symfony project evolves and why it is always worthy to get involved, but differently."
"In the previous article in this series we took a look at the introduction to the grid spec, and in particular why we have grid layout as well as flexbox. This time I am taking a look at the background and motivation section, which gives some examples of the sort of problems Grid aims to solve."
"It boggles my mind having left engineering at Facebook only 2 months ago that the outside world still largely seems to write PHP like it’s 2009…"
"Observatory by Mozilla is a project designed to help developers, system administrators, and security professionals configure their sites safely and securely."
"Ce guide s'adresse aux personnes qui effectuent des audits RGAA : référent accessibilité dans une administration, développeur en charge des audits de suivi ou encore auditeur externe à l'administration."
Visualiser un algorithme n'est pas toujours évident. Ce site vous permet de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des principaux algos.
Les développeurs ne sont pas des machines qui programment d'autres machines, mais bien des hommes et des femmes doués de conscience dont les lignes de code qu'ils produisent peuvent avoir un impact important sur la société. Quelles sont les règles en matière d'éthique pour les développeurs ?
"Service-public.fr respecte à 100 % les critères obligatoires du RGAA (Référentiel général d’accessibilité pour les administrations) et plusieurs des critères non-obligatoires."
You are not Google, nor Amazon, nor LinkedIn. Think your problem through before choosing any solution that may apply to them.
A curated list of awesome design systems, pattern libraries, and everything inbetween.
A collection of patterns & modules for responsive emails