1 private link
"Improving performance doesn’t mean we should remove all fonts and images. It just means we should be more aware of how the design decisions we make impact user experience. Performance is a balance between content and design."
"As a web developer, there is a high probability that you have encountered the two enemies of this article: images and deadlines. Sometimes, for some reasons, your images won’t fit the layout and you don’t want to wrap your head around this for hours."
The journey to Thumbor, part 3: Development and deployment strategy
"Image compression is a biiiig subject, and we certainly haven’t covered every aspect of it here, but having discovered our preferred compression methods across each file type, these are the new guidelines for image compression at Kyan"
"Image placeholders in SVG are ready for prime time thanks to browser support and good rendering performance. By automating SVG shape creation that mimics main features visible inside an image and compressing the result appropriately, we can achieve SVG-based image placeholders weighing in at only ~400 bytes. SQIP is a tool to make this process easy to integrate into your deployments."
"Using Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP) ensures that your users are presented with a usable page much faster. When combined with a lazy loading technique using Intersection Observer, your users save on bandwidth too. It has been fun to experiment with LQIP!"
"After creating it I used it to learn some more about Webpack and Web performance in general. In this article I’ll show you everything I did to make the app load from 2690ms down to 170ms."
"… Mais souvent une solution robuste, agnostique, réutilisable, demande un effort de configuration initial conséquent. A solution riche, configuration complexe. Découvrons ensemble comment mettre en place une gestion de médias sur Drupal 8 avec la suite Media Entity."
A detailed explanation of the usage of srcset and sizes over media queries.
"This blog describes how we use computer vision algorithms to address the challenges of focal point, text placement and image clustering at a large scale."
Librairie très complète de manipulation d'image pour la découpe. Pas de gestion de la D.A. ou du sujet, en revanche.
"SVG can bring a lot of performance benefits to the table when compared to other image formats, especially GIFs."
Un très bon comparatif qui donne envie de jeter ses GIFs à la poubelle !
Outil de génération d'un clip-path CSS
content adaption without increased client latency
Un placeholder d'images "dummy" ou les couleurs et les polices sont modifiables, et où on peut utiliser de la transparence... le tout en Open Source, instanciable sur votre serveur si vous le souhaitez.
A bookmarklet to create a front-end performance heatmap of resources loaded in the browser using the Resource Timing API.
"highlight, copy, and translate text from any image"