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"Our internal metrics at Google show that for similar volume of prompting for PWA banners and native app banners — the closest thing to an apples-to-apples comparison we can find — PWA banners convert 5–6x more often."
"The website won’t be running on WordPress anymore; in fact, it won’t have a back end at all. We are moving to a JAMstack: articles published directly to Netlify CDNs, with a custom shop based on an open-sourced headless E-Commerce GoCommerce and a job board that’s all just static HTML; content editing with Netlify’s new open-source, Git-Based CMS, real-time search powered by Algolia, full HTTP/2 support, and the whole website running as a progressive web app with a service worker in the background (thanks to the awesome Service Worker Toolbox library)"
Le point de vue de Frédéric Cavazza sur l'arrivée des PWA mais également sur les évolutions du marché de l'application et des marchés d'applications. Des conclusions auxquelles je n'adhère pas complètement, mais qui sont bien argumentées.
WeChat is an experience, a portal, a platform, a mobile operating system, a web browser, a service repository and a bridge to IoT. Great explanation of Connie Chan about how it works.