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"First came a commitment to writing high-quality code. That required our programmers to think like minimalists. After that we moved to what the industry calls continuous deployment, or non-stop micro-product releases of new features, updates, maintenance and more. Real-time and comprehensive QA are also part of the process. Gone is that enterprise tech ethos of drumroll-release dates that are many months if not years apart. For the PWA, our journalists needed to stretch themselves beyond a century-old reliance on the 800-word story."
Critical extracts & inlines critical-path (above-the-fold) CSS from HTML
"How to design for low-bandwidth users: a conversation with members of Wikimedia’s Global Reach, Audiences, and Performance teams"
"The browser needs to get faster. The first browser was created almost 30 years ago. Since then, the browser has moved from its past as a simple document viewer towards a future as a fully-featured application platform. But those applications are testing the limits of current browsers, especially on devices like smartphones. To support those applications, browsers need to adapt to modern hardware."
This specification defines an API that provides the time origin, and current time in sub-millisecond resolution, such that it is not subject to system clock skew or adjustments.
This specification extends the High Resolution Time specification by providing methods to store and retrieve high resolution performance metric data.
"Through data analysis and user research, we’ve come up with a few principles that represent the major pain points and areas for improvement:
- Offline is a status, not an error
- The offline experience is seamless
- Build trust through clear communication"
"We can do that by utilizing Lazy Loading. Lazy loading is a great way to optimize your site, and it does that by splitting your code at logical breakpoints, and then loading it once the user has done something that requires, or will require, a new block of code. This speeds up the initial load of the application and lightens its overall weight as some blocks may never even be loaded."
Grid Layout, Ecommerce Performance, and IphoneX
"Trop souvent le temps de chargement est source de discussions et de débats entre clients et prestataires, entre décideurs et équipes techniques.
S’il ne fait aucun doute de la nécessité de faire de la vitesse de chargement un sujet stratégique et d’y impliquer tous les acteurs de la chaîne de valeur d’un projet web, il est absolument nécessaire de choisir des indicateurs pertinents et stables. On ne peut améliorer que ce que l’on mesure, et cette mesure doit être fiable."
To successfully manage your website performance, you first have to adopt a reliable and rigorous measuring tool – as Dareboost of course! Then, identify and use a combination of several performance indicators, meeting your objectives. If you would have to keep a single one, It should be the Speed Index!
"This post demonstrates some of the changes we did to improve our search experience. Combined with a number of optimisations on the back end to improve the performance of trade search, we were able to get the search results to appear below one second, even when searching through nearly half a million vehicles. In a future post, we will look at what changes were needed on the server side to improve search performance."
"Hopefully these ideas will help you reduce your page load times. Your visitors will thank you."
"Nobody likes to wait for web pages to load in the browser. The longer it takes, the more dissatisfied the users become. Slow web pages lead to a higher bounce rate and the loss of customers. To solve this kind of problems can be very hard sometimes. Before you even start to optimise your page, you have to understand the workflows a browser performs in order to display a page on the screen."
"Here are the methods I put in place on all new projects I work on even if accessibility is not in the scope. As you can see, it’s quick to set up and does not ask to dive into repositories or have a big knowledge on the subject."
Typography on the web matters because typography matters.