1 private link
"Le distributeur de lunettes avait la mauvaise habitude de ne pas chiffrer les mots de passe de ses clients et de les communiquer oralement par téléphone. Résultat : 50.000 euros d'amende."
"You can go into production with ASP.NET 5 on Linux and Microsoft will support you."
Un pas en avant gigantesque pour Microsoft
"X-Tag is a Microsoft supported, open source, JavaScript library that wraps the W3C standard Web Components family of APIs to provide a compact, feature-rich interface for rapid component development."
"Magento Commerce, the leading provider of open omnichannel innovation, today announced the general availability of its next generation open source e-commerce platform, Magento 2.0."
"Today, the TYPO3 community released the latest Long-Term-Support version of TYPO3, the enterprise content management version."
"nous sommes loin d’en avoir fini [...] React n’est qu’une étape. D’autres solutions plus matures, plus solides, plus souples se profilent déjà [...] ne perdez pas de vue [...] que quand on n’a qu’un marteau, tout ressemble à un clou."
"If you want to improve performance, you must start by measuring performance. But what should you measure?"
En synthèse : tous les secteurs sont touchés par la transformation digitale. Il faut comprendre les opportunités et s'y adapter pour ne pas lutter mais, au contraire, en tirer partie.
"Submit a URL to generate a node map of all of the requests on the page. Rapidly identify what third-parties are on your site, where your transmitted bytes are coming from and how slow your domains are !"
A clean and simple notification plugin (alert/growl style) for javascript, with no dependencies.
" Thanks to this article, you should have a better understanding of Modernizr and how you should include it in your pages. [...] Regardless of what’s the solution in your case, always try to provide a good experience for those, among your users, who have a slow Internet connection by only include the features you need."
"Une veille techno intéressante, c'est une veille techno qui reste fun."
"Last week, Bootstrap turned four-years-old, and its creators, Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, released Bootstrap 4 alpha."
Au menu : du flexbox, des mises en page en Card Decks, Sass au lieu de Less...
"Centering in CSS is a pain in the ass. There seems to be a gazillion ways to do it, depending on a variety of factors. This consolidates them and gives you the code you need for each situation."
Ou quand l'industrie de la publicité en ligne avoue son échec : "We messed up. As technologists, tasked with delivering content and services to users, we lost track of the user experience."
"Beginning January 12, 2016, only the current version of Internet Explorer available for a supported operating system will receive technical support and security updates. Microsoft recommends that customers running older versions of Internet Explorer upgrade to the most recent version, which is Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10."