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"We created Let’s Encrypt in order to make getting and managing TLS certificates as simple as possible. For Let’s Encrypt subscribers, this usually means obtaining an ACME client and executing some simple commands. Ultimately though, we’d like for most Let’s Encrypt subscribers to have ACME clients built in to their server software so that obtaining an additional piece of software is not necessary. The less work people have to do to deploy HTTPS the better!"
Akamai Edge: Tracking the Performance of the Web with HTTP Archive
"The paint timing API enables website creators to track and monitor the important metrics which affects perceived performance. Consider that 53% of users will abandon a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load (source). Being able to keep your paint times low is likely to keep your users happy and improve the perceived performance of your site."
"Je veux être bien clair : je pense qu’AMP est un framework qui a été conçu avec de bonnes intentions, pensé pour résoudre le vrai problème d’un Web devenu bien trop lent pour ses utilisateurs. Mais utiliser AMP ? Le prix pour le Web, et pour ceux qui y gagnent leur vie, est vraiment, vraiment trop important."
"I want to be very clear: I believe AMP is a framework designed with good intentions, aimed at solving the very real problem of a web that’s gotten far, far too slow for its users. But using AMP? The cost for the web, and for those who do business on it, is much, much too high."
"Advocating for performance awareness should be everyone’s goal."
Tutoriel de création et de configuration d'un site statique e-commerce avec Hugo (générateur de sites statiques) et Snipcart (système de gestion e-commerce par API).
"This document defines an API that can be used to capture a series of key moments (First Paint, First Contentful Paint) during pageload which developers care about."
The Opquast Web Quality Checklist is now available in english!