1 private link
Utilisation abusive du LocalStorage pour stocker des gigas de données sur des PCs en toute impunité... les éditeurs de navigateurs sont inconscients...
"The HTML5 <video> element makes embedding videos into your site as easy as embedding images. And since all major browsers support <video> since 2011, it’s also the most reliable way to get your moving pictures seen by people."
Devices, Brands, Operating Systems, Sensors, Screens
"vagrant-list adds a command to the Vagrant CLI to list both all VMs known to VirtualBox, as well as any that are running. It's handy for seeing what all your VMs are up to."
"A highly modular, loosely coupled, non-frameworky framework for building advanced JavaScript apps."
L'histoire du "X" de fermeture : d'où vient-il, est-il vraiment un "x" ?
Everything you need to know
... et plus globalement, les sites qui nécessitent des modules (Flash, Java...) non-supportés par le navigateur courant.
Envie de développer du Web sur Android. Vous ne savez pas où vous mettez les pieds...
"Color Oracle is a free color blindness simulator for Window, Mac and Linux. It takes the guesswork out of designing for color blindness by showing you in real time what people with common color vision impairments will see."
"Revenge.css is a CSS bookmarklet that reports bad html using pseudo content. If the page you use it with has malformed links, deprecated attributes, <div>s inside inline elements, inaccessible buttons, badly nested sections or other errors, you'll see some ugly, pink errors written in nobody's favourite font: Comic Sans."