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L'histoire du "X" de fermeture : d'où vient-il, est-il vraiment un "x" ?
Quelques jours après la présentation par Google de ses consignes de Design pour Android L, Venture Beat est allé à la rencontre de WebDesigners pour avoir leur avis sur ce "Material Design"
"A Good User Interface has high conversion rates and is easy to use. In other words, it's nice to both the business side as well as the people using it. "
"Following his advice, I’ve identified some key lessons Bruce Lee taught and lived by that are applicable to experience design. What design lessons can be learned from a late, great action star? Quite a few, it turns out."
Optimizing the repaints : "60fps scrolling using pointer-events: none"
Article expliquant les différentes étapes de la refonte de TechCrunch en timeline