1 private link
"La politique de sécurité des contenus vous permet de protéger votre site web des effets de nombreuses vulnérabilités en lien avec l’injection de contenus. Découvrons pourquoi et comment utiliser ce simple en-tête HTTP, pourtant très puissant, et aujourd’hui largement supporté par les navigateurs web."
"Comparing web animation techniques by showing how to bounce a ball with each one."
"Nestlé as one of the biggest nutrition, health and wellness groups in the world, is trying to surf on the Chinese consumption wave by being present on the most important e-commerce Chinese market after a slowdown in their growth. Let’s see how they managed to immerse themselves in China with the coffee market example and the latest promotion news on Alibaba e-commerce platform."
"WebBundle and old UI are going away, completely new shop and admin interfaces, v1.0.0-alpha around the corner; some non-essential features removed, focus on stabilization and docs, v1.0.0-beta by the end of November, which is based on the current velocity and Scrum development process."
"PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux and OS X) automation and configuration tool/framework that works well with your existing tools and is optimized for dealing with structured data (e.g. JSON, CSV, XML, etc.), REST APIs, and object models. It includes a command-line shell, an associated scripting language and a framework for processing cmdlets."
" I’m not the best coder. I just know some tricks. But it is possible to do a hell of a lot, with only a little."
Quelques retours de Rémi Parmentier sur ses expérimentations avec les WebMails, tant au niveau du support que de la sécurité.
"Friendlier HTML form controls with a little CSS magic. Designed for IE9+, as well as the latest Chrome, Safari, and Firefox."
"Easily calculate color contrast ratios. Passing WCAG was never this easy!"
Eric a cherché à agencer des vignettes de photo de façon harmonieuse sur une page web. En ressort une étude sur les différentes UI et algorithmes pour calculer tout ça.
Full featured JavaScript gallery. No dependencies.
Automated testing for HTML5Accessibility.com, a website where the a11y features of several browsers are compared.
"Valet is a Laravel development environment for Mac minimalists. No Vagrant, No Apache, No Nginx, No /etc/hosts file. You can even share your sites publicly using local tunnels. Yeah, we like it too."
"Bookmarklets for Accessibility Testing use JavaScript to highlight roles, states, and properties of accessibility elements on the page. They are accessible to screen reader users and work on any browser including mobile phones."
L'exercice de Matthieu est rare : expliquer les choix d'intégration qu'il a fait pour son site perso, Twikito.com. Une démarche pertinente qui pourra intéresser les débutants comme les professionnels.
"Functional programming contains many ideas that we can use to make our own code simpler and better. Pure functions and immutable data minimise the hazards of side effects. Declarative programming maximises code readability. These are important tools that should be embraced in the fight against complexity."
"My small talk for the Symfony Catalunya 2016 event where I've showed how PrestaShop started the migration to Symfony with some easy steps."
"10 recommandations pratiques ont été co-construites pour communiquer
sans stéréotypes. Nous remercions les linguistes, les professionnel.le.s de la
communication, les fonctionnaires et toutes celles et ceux, dont les membres
du HCEfh, qui y ont contribué."
Common mistakes designers make and how to fix them.