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Stripe est une société irlandaise qui fournit aux développeurs une API destinée au paiement par internet pour particuliers et professionnels. Son arrivée en France est un petit séisme pour les acteurs nationaux.
"WebGazer.js is an eye tracking library that uses common webcams to infer the eye-gaze locations of web visitors on a page in real time."
Vous ne comprenez pas pourquoi vous ne voyez pas de différence entre la résolution de l'iPhone 6 et celle de l'iPhone 6+ ? C'est normal, à moins de coller votre œil dessus, c'est compliqué. Explications complètes sur le pouvoir séparateur de l'œil (et la taille des lettres des stations dans le métro).
Want to use Vanilla JS but find native APIs a bit unwieldy? Bliss is for you. And it weigths only 10Kb.
"BLOKK fontBLOKK is a font for quick mock-ups and wireframing for clients who do not understand latin. BLOKK gives you a nice fill text for mock-ups and wireframing without the lorem ipsum. The new and better wireframing font."
An evaluating tool for writing better CSS, also available through a Chrome Extension.
"Integrating AngularJS and RequireJS shouldn't be complicated, and it isn't with angularAMD. To see it in action, checkout this website that show case key features. Make sure to load your favorite Developer Tools to see the on-demand loading of *.js files as you switch tabs."
"KNACSS est une feuille de styles CSS multi-vitaminée comprenant tout un ensemble de bonnes pratiques et de styles de base ("reset") pour débuter chacun de ses projets."
"When released, jQuery 3.0 will become the only version of jQuery. The 1.12 and 2.2 branches will continue to receive critical support patches for a while, but will not get any new features or major revisions. Note that jQuery 3.0 will not support IE6-8."
Avec HTTP/2, le chargement des CSS va complètement changer, favorisant le recours à des feuilles de styles davantage orientées composants et chargées à la volée.
SJSJ is a community-driven attempt at explaining the loads of buzzwords making the current JavaScript ecosystem in a few simple words. The idea is not to replace individual documentations, but to act as some kind of glossary that can be easily referenced.
An animated CodePen to discover and test things with Flexbox.
"Create a consistent vertical rhythm for your web design.
The tool does the maths for margin-top, margin-bottom and line-height and creates CSS rules for a consistent Vertical Rhythm"
"Embracing fluid typography might be easier than you think. It has wide browser support, is simple to implement and can be achieved without losing control over many important aspects of design."
A Supercharged Git/Shell Autocompleter with GitHub Integration, because it can be tough to remember the usage of git commands and it may be nice to manage GitHub through a CLI. Also compatible with ZSH.
Screen sizes by devices
A SVG-based HAR Waterfall Viewer
"An interactive 3D mall map concept with a sidebar search and pin indicators for every level."
"Yep, it’s here. Almost a year after the previous release, Faker 1.6 has been released, with a ton and a half of new fake data, ridiculously useful new formatters, new locales, and bug fixes."
"No one talks about this stuff and I’m not really sure why.
Let’s change that."