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"FlatBuffers isn't ready. I'm going to stick with JSON (via Gson) & protocol buffers (via Wire)."
Comment Facebook a abandonner JSON lors de ses échanges avec ses applications Android pour privilégier à la place l'usage d'à-plats de données.
"With nothing but a couple of lines of CSS and a few ARIA attributes, we managed to create CSS-powered footnotes that are accessible and do not need any JavaScript. How cool is that?"
"So let's stop pushing the web forward for a year. It'll free us from the churn of ever more features and ever more tools."
"Native select boxes are rubbish and I have the user research videos to prove it."
Just what you've always wanted, it's a caniuse command line tool! All the power of caniuse.com with none of the nice UI or interactivity!
"Avec le temps et l’expérience, au fil des projets Symfony2, on se rend compte que plusieurs Bundles reviennent régulièrement.
Voici une liste des différents Bundles Symfony2 qui me semblent incontournables."
"Gratuitous animation can be seen everywhere and it’s not only limited to amateur designers. As a user it’s easy to spot this kind of animation. It’s the animation that gets in your way. The animation that makes you furrow your brow in frustration as it stands between you an your intended goal."
"VexFlow is an open-source online music notation rendering API. It is written completely in JavaScript, and runs right in the browser. VexFlow supports HTML5 Canvas and SVG."
Une collection de librairies alternatives aux plugins jQuery, un bon complément à http://microjs.com.
"We believe users should only see a permission prompt if they’ve demonstrated willingness to grant that permission, or at minimum, intent to use a feature which requires that permission. In particular, we strongly advise against triggering permissions prompts on page load."
jQuery revient enfin sur les absurdités de .hide() et .show() qui ne font pas que ce qu'on attend d'elles. Il y a d'autres choses chouettes aussi comme les Promesses et l'arrêt de l'arrondi des valeurs en pixel à l'entier (oui, on peut calculer en 1/2 pixels, parfois).
Bref, on attend avec impatience jQuery3.
"Today we're very happy to introduce Socket.IO P2P, the easiest way to establish a bidirectional events channel between two peers with a server fallback to provide maximum reliability."
"Today we're excited to announce that we're beginning development on the HTML Template element, one of the core Web Components technologies and the #3 UserVoice request from developers."
Un placeholder d'images "dummy" ou les couleurs et les polices sont modifiables, et où on peut utiliser de la transparence... le tout en Open Source, instanciable sur votre serveur si vous le souhaitez.