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"The Service Worker Cookbook is a collection of working, practical examples of using service workers in modern web apps."
"Simple overlay instructions for your apps."
"X-Tag is a Microsoft supported, open source, JavaScript library that wraps the W3C standard Web Components family of APIs to provide a compact, feature-rich interface for rapid component development."
"nous sommes loin d’en avoir fini [...] React n’est qu’une étape. D’autres solutions plus matures, plus solides, plus souples se profilent déjà [...] ne perdez pas de vue [...] que quand on n’a qu’un marteau, tout ressemble à un clou."
A clean and simple notification plugin (alert/growl style) for javascript, with no dependencies.
"Last week, Bootstrap turned four-years-old, and its creators, Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, released Bootstrap 4 alpha."
Au menu : du flexbox, des mises en page en Card Decks, Sass au lieu de Less...
Promise visualization playground for the adventurous
"Si vous l’aviez raté, sachez que Node vient de passer un cap important  4.0.0 c’est un peu l’album de la maturité. Passons en revue le quoi, le pourquoi et le comment
"An open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript. Powered by node.js and socket.io."
(Encore) une vidéo humoristique sur les incohérences parfois difficile à comprendre de JavaScript. Et de Lionel Richie.
"The trick to remembering this is that CSS selectors are absolute; not relative to any particular element, not even the element you're calling querySelectorAll on."
"Node.js v4 will contain all the improvements made in io.js as well as features from node.js 0.12 that have not yet been present in an io.js release."
Every six months, a hot new framework hits the mainstream, and our community explodes with excitement...
In this article I am going to present and examine the evolution of JavaScript looping by reviewing ES3 and ES5 looping.
This blog post helps you to get started with ECMAScript 6
Just what you've always wanted, it's a caniuse command line tool! All the power of caniuse.com with none of the nice UI or interactivity!
Une collection de librairies alternatives aux plugins jQuery, un bon complément à http://microjs.com.
"Today we're very happy to introduce Socket.IO P2P, the easiest way to establish a bidirectional events channel between two peers with a server fallback to provide maximum reliability."