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How to build web pages so they work in HTML first: starting with HTML, extra styles and features, using JavaScript.
Do not build your service as a single-page application (SPA). This is where the loading of pages within your service is handled by JavaScript, rather than the browser.
Single page applications rarely bring benefits and can make the service inaccessible.
[…] I filed an issue on the WhatWG's HTML working standard asking the WhatWG to reinstate the feature in the HTML spec, which received some nice discussion from the community.
[…] What happens now is the change has made its way into the respective browsers' backlogs, which is awesome, but there's no indication of a timeline or priority for when the changes will be made.
[…] That is, if you're able to use streaming video protocols, by all means, do that!
Utiliser un lien HTML classique sera toujours la meilleure des solutions, la plus accessible, la plus utilisable, la plus fiable, la plus robuste, la plus maintenable.
The <div> is the most versatile and used element in HTML. It represents nothing, while allowing developers to manipulate it into almost anything by use...
JavaScript is your behavior layer; the way to add interactivity to your sites, to provide a slick and delightful user experience, to make everything fast and easy and clean. But at some point everything changed: the tail started to wag the dog instead and development became Javascript-first. We'll talk about how you maybe shouldn't rely on JS as much as you're told to, and some practical strategies for how to build sites without reaching for a JS framework as first, last, and only tool for making the web happen.
I love improvements that just work without any effort required of website owners. […] The less friction we can add to introduce these improvements, the more likely they will be adopted, and there’s no better friction than none at all! Fixing the impact of layout shifts on users for responsive images seems to be one such improvement and the web is all the better for it.
An interactive guide to alternative voting systems or how to use the Web medium to provide a self-teaching lesson about democracy.
"For each tag, we will go through what the W3C specification says and apply a practical example to showcase how you might use it."
"Hyperform is a complete implementation of the HTML 5 form validation API in Javascript. It replaces or polyfills the browser’s native methods and eases your validation task with custom events and hooks."
Un guide destiné aux intégrateurs chargés de réaliser des gabarits HTML et CSS accessibles.
"Friendlier HTML form controls with a little CSS magic. Designed for IE9+, as well as the latest Chrome, Safari, and Firefox."
L'exercice de Matthieu est rare : expliquer les choix d'intégration qu'il a fait pour son site perso, Twikito.com. Une démarche pertinente qui pourra intéresser les débutants comme les professionnels.
"You can do and impressive amount of form validation with just HTML attributes and make the user experience pretty clean and clear with CSS selectors. But it does require some CSS trickery to get things just right!"
"Il faut le savoir, le message que vous envoyez ne s’affiche pas chez votre destinataire tel que vous le voyez : chaque logiciel de messagerie interprète à sa guise, privant parfois le destinataire d’une partie de l’information pourtant effectivement transmise."
"Reasons HTML and CSS might make you say what the fuck. A curated list of commonly frustrating HTML and CSS quandaries, miscues, and dilemmas."
"Native select boxes are rubbish and I have the user research videos to prove it."
Just what you've always wanted, it's a caniuse command line tool! All the power of caniuse.com with none of the nice UI or interactivity!
"VexFlow is an open-source online music notation rendering API. It is written completely in JavaScript, and runs right in the browser. VexFlow supports HTML5 Canvas and SVG."
"Today we're excited to announce that we're beginning development on the HTML Template element, one of the core Web Components technologies and the #3 UserVoice request from developers."
The application cache is a poorly understood part of the HTML5 specification with a lot of potential. Let's get rid of some of the confusion and make the web a faster place.