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Accessibility is a holistic practice that touches every aspect of creating a digital experience. This means it is also a backend web development consideration
via Perf NL (https://calibreapp.com/newsletter)
Ressources pour concevoir des services utiles et utilisables pour toutes et tous.
Remember the goal isn’t to score high in a testing tool, or even to meet a WCAG guideline, but rather to make your content more widely available, including to assistive technology users.
"The huge cost of ignoring accessibility when designing your website", Greg Williams (@dequesystems)
Besides enriching the lives of millions of persons with disabilities, practicing accessibility proactively protects your brand and bottom line.
Accessibility is a holistic practice, essential to some but useful to all. It is a practice that touches on many aspects of good web design and development, especially performance. This talk will highlight opportunities and techniques to improve your website or web app’s performance by embracing an accessible, inclusive mindset.
C’est un bon début mais il ne faut surtout pas se limiter à ce type de test. Il faut poursuivre par des tests manuels réalisés par des auditeurs en accessibilité, et idéalement compléter avec des tests d’utilisateurs en situation de handicap.
[…] Quoiqu’il en soit, il est important de garder en tête qu’il n’existe pas d’outil magique concernant l’accessibilité. Il y a juste des outils (et c’est déjà pas mal) qui permettent de faciliter le travail d’un auditeur en accessibilité.
Shows how different HTML attributes behave in commonly used screen readers.
"Is input type=”date” ready for use in accessible websites?", Graham Armfield (for @jonhassel) #a11y
"The new HTML5 elements can offer so much to improve user experience and provide consistency and accessibility ‘out of the box’ to save developers time. But […] the concepts are currently let down by sloppy, or absent support from the browser and assistive technology manufacturers."
A bible for typolovers.
La vie est bien faite : il existe des alternatives accessibles pour toutes les problématiques de design web. Je n’en ai évoquées que quelques-unes dans cet article, mais il en existe bien d’autres.
La vieille croyance selon laquelle l’accessibilité ferait peser une contrainte graphique sur les sites, qui seraient de facto « forcément moches » s’ils sont accessibles, provient peut-être du fait qu’on a longtemps eu une vision jusqu’au-boutiste de l’accessibilité, ce qui a pu aboutir à des résultats graphiques malheureux.
"Rather than give up or wait for clients to ask, we’ve found that the practices I outlined in this article lead to a lasting culture at Viget that values thinking about accessibility throughout a project and throughout the company."
"Lack of accessibility in agency work is a problem that we can solve with a little awareness and education. Beautiful and interactive sites can be accessible."
A lot of knowledge and effort must be made to create a user-friendly and accessible website, including something as seemingly trivial as an icon. With a lot of hard work I hope you find the icon solution that’s right for you and your website—at least for now.
Automating Your Accessibility Tests with aXe and pa11y
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines—for People Who Haven't Read Them
- Don’t use ARIA menu semantics in navigation menu systems.
- On content heavy sites, don’t hide structure away in nested dropdown-powered navigation menus.
- Use aria-expanded to indicate the open/closed state of a button-activated navigation menu.
- Make sure said navigation menu is next in focus order after the button that opens/closes it.
- Never sacrifice usability in the pursuit of JavaScript-free solutions. It’s vanity.
Client side accessibility error scanner.
Understanding WCAG 2.1: What to Expect
Chrome Canary’s developer tools have an experiment where you can debug color contrast right in the style inspector.
Using a screen reader by touch is different than using it by keyboard - our research found that there are different usage patterns and new design challenges to think about.