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Basé sur la dernière version du référentiel général d'amélioration de l'accessibilité (RGAA 4.1) vous pouvez :
- Faire un audit rapide (25 critères)
- Faire un audit complémentaire (50 critères)
- Faire un audit complet, dit de conformité (106 critères)
- Générer vos rapports d’audit et vos déclarations d’accessibilité
"In a perfect world, none of our sites would ever block the main thread unnecessarily. We’d all be using web workers to do our non-UI work, and we’d have shouldYield() and a native Scheduling API) built into the browser.
But in our current world, we web developers often have no choice but to run non-UI code on the main thread, which leads to unresponsiveness and jank."
"This post will perform an honest audit of the entire “cost” of Boomerang on a page that it is measuring. We will review every aspect of Boomerang’s lifecycle, starting with the loader snippet through sending a beacon, and beyond. At each phase, we will try to quantify any overhead (JavaScript, network, etc) it causes. The goal is to be open and transparent about the work Boomerang has to do when measuring the user’s experience."
The next time you get something done with DevTools, ask yourself if it makes sense to automate it, and how much time this will save down-the-line.
"Observatory by Mozilla is a project designed to help developers, system administrators, and security professionals configure their sites safely and securely."
"Ce guide s'adresse aux personnes qui effectuent des audits RGAA : référent accessibilité dans une administration, développeur en charge des audits de suivi ou encore auditeur externe à l'administration."
Librairie PHP qui parcourt le code et détermine la version minimale de PHP requise et les extensions nécessaires.