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Being able to run Google’s Lighthouse analysis suite programmatically provides a lot of advantages, especially for larger or more complex web applications. Using Lighthouse programmatically allows engineers to set up quality monitoring for sites that need more customization than straightforward applications of Lighthouse (such as Lighthouse CI) allow.
"On a daily basis, GitHub’s developers push about 80 different changes to the production platform. Alain Helaili will walk you through the workflow and tools used to achieve this, and introduce you to the hardest working employee of the company, Hubot."
Trevor reads .travis.yml and runs tests in all node versions you requested, just like Travis CI. Now, you can test before push and keep your git history clean.
"Pour les besoins de l’industrialisation de l’hébergement moderne d’un site internet, nous allons voir ici comment installer et déployer un site internet basé sur Symfony, dans un environnement Heroku, en utilisant les Pipeline."
Pourquoi tester uniquement les interfaces n'est pas une bonne idée sur un développement au long cours. Réponse par un dialogue bien amené.