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You probably heard about the stories of Walmart that increased their conversion rate by 2% for every less second their page would take to load. While we found a clear correlation between page…
Hey John! In France, we don't learn to give positive feedback. A few months ago, I started working with many more people from other cultures and I felt unable to show them appreciation as I would have liked. Your article has helped me to better understand how to express my gratitude and have it received in a constructive way. Thank you for continuing to write such helpful articles.
This is not a React hit piece, but rather a plea for consideration of how we do our work. Some of these performance pitfalls can be avoided if we take care to evaluate what tools make sense for the job, even for apps with a great deal of complex interactivity.
[…] if you use React or any VDOM library, you should spend some time investigating its impact on an array of devices. Get a cheap Android device and see how your app feels to use. Contrast that experience with your high-end devices.
The deep dive helped our team develop best practices that we are able to apply to our work going forward. It also helped us refine a performance mindset that encourages exploration. As we develop new features, we can apply what we’ve learned while always trying to improve on these techniques.
le Synthetic Monitoring présente l’avantage d’offrir une stabilité que les données organiques n’ont pas, donc on en aura toujours besoin. C’est un moyen très efficace de détecter des changements dans la performance qui viennent de nous et non pas de l’environnement. Ces métriques sont toujours utiles sur du très long terme.
Site speed is a competitive advantage that directly influences your conversion rates.
… we discovered that the origin server became infrequently unreachable. Since neither CDN nor origin server were showing any incidents, we initially were confused by these inexplicable periods of Origin unreachability.
"The improvements in business and user metrics from our PWA has helped convince more people within the company of the importance of app performance and load times."
The journey to Thumbor, part 3: Development and deployment strategy
Quelques enseignements de l'aventure Cozy Cloud, par l'ex CTO.
L'exercice de Matthieu est rare : expliquer les choix d'intégration qu'il a fait pour son site perso, Twikito.com. Une démarche pertinente qui pourra intéresser les débutants comme les professionnels.
"If something isn't working, tell me why and I'll fix it. I want to earn my money."