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We have recently completed a milestone where we were able to drop jQuery as a dependency of the frontend code for GitHub.com. This marks the end of a gradual, years-long transition of increasingly decoupling from jQuery until we were able to completely remove the library.
"On a daily basis, GitHub’s developers push about 80 different changes to the production platform. Alain Helaili will walk you through the workflow and tools used to achieve this, and introduce you to the hardest working employee of the company, Hubot."
Statistiques visuelles sur les langages de développement utilisés dans les dépôts GitHub : nombres de projets, nouveaux projets, forks, nombre de tickets…
"In this post we will focus on our ever evolving use of Content Security Policy (CSP), as it is our single most effective mitigation. We can’t wait to follow up on this blog to additionally review some of the “non-traditional” approaches we have taken to further mitigate content injection."
"Simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features"
"Add instant search capabilities to GitHub search box."
[...] many of us are frustrated. Those of us who run some of the most popular projects on GitHub feel completely ignored by you. [...] The problems we most frequently have, and our best ideas for how to address them, are [...] If GitHub were open source itself, we would be implementing these things ourselves as a community
Explications des évolutions de ZenHub et en quoi elles permettent désormais vraiment de gérer ses projets agiles.
Made at GitHub, open source, includes a small Gruntfile for compiling SCSS, Autoprefixer for vendor prefixes, and Parker for CSS stats.
Dillinger is a cloud-enabled HTML5 Markdown editor, synced with Dropbox, GitHub, Drive (Google or MS)...
GitBook about Wordpress development, inspired by "PHP the Right Way"
"At GitHub, we're building the text editor we've always wanted. A tool you can customize to do anything, but also use productively on the first day without ever touching a config file. Atom is modern, approachable, and hackable to the core. We can't wait to see what you build with it."