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"I hope that this post has extended your vision on web performance beyond the well known barrier app vs network, and that this help you to rethink or improve your app architecture."
CheatSheet for grid
Grid Layout, Ecommerce Performance, and IphoneX
"CSS Grid Layout is the most powerful layout system available in CSS. It is a 2-dimensional system, meaning it can handle both columns and rows, unlike flexbox which is largely a 1-dimensional system. You work with Grid Layout by applying CSS rules both to a parent element (which becomes the Grid Container) and to that elements children (which become Grid Items)."
"In the previous article in this series we took a look at the introduction to the grid spec, and in particular why we have grid layout as well as flexbox. This time I am taking a look at the background and motivation section, which gives some examples of the sort of problems Grid aims to solve."
CSS Grid Garden est un jeu où on écrit du code CSS pour faire pousser des carottes. Il rejoint Flexbox Defense ou Flexbox Froggy dans la galaxie des jeux éducatifs à CSS.
"Understanding and using CSS Grid is easier than you might expect."
Une collection Codepen concernant l'utilisation de Grid Layout. A ouvrir avec un navigateur qui supporte la fonctionnalité, bien sûr : http://caniuse.com/#feat=css-grid
"Yes, flexbox came along and I used it for some pieces of the layout, but it didn’t change the way I laid out entire pages. Next month that’s changing.
CSS Grid is landing in Chrome and Firefox after years of tireless work by specification authors, developers who gave feedback, and browser implementers."
"'Grillade' est un système de grille simple et élaboré avec CSS3 Flexbox. Il est intégré par défaut dans le micro-framework KNACSS d'Alsacréations mais peut être utilisé de manière autonome sans nécessiter KNACSS ou d'autre dépendance."
"Create a consistent vertical rhythm for your web design.
The tool does the maths for margin-top, margin-bottom and line-height and creates CSS rules for a consistent Vertical Rhythm"
"La grille parfaite en CSS existe enfin, Bootstrap n’a qu’à bien se tenir, moi je vous le dis !"
"How I created my own grid system"
Construct est un éditeur visuel de mise-en-page basé sur Blueprint. Il a été inspiré par Blueprint Layout Builder et réalisé en jQuery par Christian Montoya.
Histoire de la refonte du portail BBC. Visionnaire.
Client AIR permettant la génération de CSS utile pour créer des grilles