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HTTP/2 has been designed from the ground up to address the inefficiencies of HTTP/1. Triggering a large number of requests in an HTTP/2 environment is no longer inherently bad for performance; transferring unnecessary data is.
Definitions, use cases and short diagram to use either preload or push for better HTTP/2 performance.
"In Symfony 3.3 we added HTTP/2 Push support for web assets (CSS, JS, images) to allow preloading them as explained in the Preload W3C Working Draft."
Alors que le Web transite peu à peu vers HTTPS, une autre révolution arrive, celle de la généralisation de HTTP/2 et du Server Push.
"If you navigate to https://gohugo.io and look in the Chrome developer network console, you should now see Push as the new source (“Initiator”) for the CSS and JSS:"
Avec HTTP/2, le chargement des CSS va complètement changer, favorisant le recours à des feuilles de styles davantage orientées composants et chargées à la volée.