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A website search is often the first dynamic part you'll be adding to your new Jamstack project. Let’s see which solutions are available in the Jamstack world.
Not having to use a JavaScript framework also meant that HTML, not JSX or Vue components, is now front and center in the code you write. This helped me avoid the usual traps when writing React: the infamous div soup, inaccessible components, or non-semantic tags.
The issue with most slow JAMstack sites is that they load a loooot of JavaScript. Remember that any added JavaScript has to be sent to the browser, which will also need more computation for it. It quickly impacts performance.
"If you’ve been waiting to try out React, Gatsby is a great place to start! If you’re struggling to make your React app fast, try switching to Gatsby! If you’re tired of using technology X to build websites and have a huge secret crush on React, well, Gatsby is waiting with open arms"
Tutoriel de création et de configuration d'un site statique e-commerce avec Hugo (générateur de sites statiques) et Snipcart (système de gestion e-commerce par API).