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Slower connections can result in CLS when lazy loading components that you wouldn’t see on wifi connections.
Either don’t lazy load the component at all or await for the js file to be loaded and mounted.
We’re going to take a deep-dive here into two of the strategies that produced the overall biggest performance impact for us: crafting high performance animations and serving the perfect image.
Lazy loading strategies for performance gains within React applications.
If I would need to implement image lazy-loading on a high-traffic e-commerce site today, I’d very likely go for a JS-based solution. Partly because the native solution only works in Chrome, but also because Chrome’s implementation is too eager and therefore not so effective.
Using the loading attribute as the sole approach for lazy loading will be the recommendation once WebKit and Safari implement support. For now, though, it should only be used as an enhancement and not as a replacement for existing strategies.
To summarise, using native lazy loading is one of the simplest ways of providing genuine progressive performance enhancements for your users. It’s not a perfect solution, but if you’re not already utilising lazy loading and have lots of images/iframes it’s definitely worth trying out — especially as it’s so easy to implement!
"Using Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP) ensures that your users are presented with a usable page much faster. When combined with a lazy loading technique using Intersection Observer, your users save on bandwidth too. It has been fun to experiment with LQIP!"