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"It may be a bit early to draw conclusions as there is still a lot of work and improvements to make. However our feeling is that the implementation of the PWA helped us to make a technical leap forward. We see it as a critical first step in supporting our mobile growth."
The Web Payments Working Group is not stopping at the Payment Request API. Work is also underway on other standards, including the Payment Handler API which will allow web applications to act as a third-party payment app.
First 5G NR Specs Approved
"First came a commitment to writing high-quality code. That required our programmers to think like minimalists. After that we moved to what the industry calls continuous deployment, or non-stop micro-product releases of new features, updates, maintenance and more. Real-time and comprehensive QA are also part of the process. Gone is that enterprise tech ethos of drumroll-release dates that are many months if not years apart. For the PWA, our journalists needed to stretch themselves beyond a century-old reliance on the 800-word story."
"Through data analysis and user research, we’ve come up with a few principles that represent the major pain points and areas for improvement:
- Offline is a status, not an error
- The offline experience is seamless
- Build trust through clear communication"
Using a screen reader by touch is different than using it by keyboard - our research found that there are different usage patterns and new design challenges to think about.
"Our internal metrics at Google show that for similar volume of prompting for PWA banners and native app banners — the closest thing to an apples-to-apples comparison we can find — PWA banners convert 5–6x more often."
Le point de vue de Frédéric Cavazza sur l'arrivée des PWA mais également sur les évolutions du marché de l'application et des marchés d'applications. Des conclusions auxquelles je n'adhère pas complètement, mais qui sont bien argumentées.
"Le coût de développement des applications mobiles natives est bien trop élevé !", Xavier Carpentier
"Si vous êtes un développeur et voulez entrer dans un écosystème qui évolue rapidement et qui est tourné vers le futur, je vous recommande fortement d’apprendre à utiliser React Native."
"As a native iOS developer, I strongly doubted using web technologies to build mobile apps because of my previous experiences with tools like PhoneGap. But after learning and using React Native for a while, I am glad we made that decision."
"Chrome for iOS is not Chrome. Firefox for iOS is not Firefox. Opera for iOS is not Opera. They are all using WebKit. They’re effectively the same as Mobile Safari, just with different skins."
"The focus has changed from smartphones to Connected devices where Firefox OS will see new life with the Chirimen IoT device for Firefox OS and other ports like the Raspberry Pi 2."
"We weren’t able to offer the best user experience possible and so we will stop offering Firefox OS smartphones through carrier channels."
Des millions d'utilisateurs orphelins.
Can I rely on the Web Platform features to build my app?
An overview of the device integration HTML5 APIs
An offline first, RWD, Progressive Rendering, Animated, Virtual-DOM & Web Worker WebApp
"I think Facebook has a strong motivation, resources and domain expertise to build the first framework that will actually enable us to build apps for all platforms at once."
" Thanks to this article, you should have a better understanding of Modernizr and how you should include it in your pages. [...] Regardless of what’s the solution in your case, always try to provide a good experience for those, among your users, who have a slow Internet connection by only include the features you need."
Almost exactly a year ago, our team set out to develop the Ads Manager app.
It ended up being not only Facebook's first fully React Native app but also the first cross-platform one. In this post, we'd like to share with you how we built this app, how React Native enabled us to move faster, and the lessons we learned.
"FlatBuffers isn't ready. I'm going to stick with JSON (via Gson) & protocol buffers (via Wire)."
Etude de cas Performance Web sur le site de Wired