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"It may be a bit early to draw conclusions as there is still a lot of work and improvements to make. However our feeling is that the implementation of the PWA helped us to make a technical leap forward. We see it as a critical first step in supporting our mobile growth."
"Managing your service worker cache invalidation is a key step in making your progressive web app a rich robust experience. It ensures that the content your customer sees and interacts with is the freshest content possible. It also guards your app from overstepping the cache quota and potentially causing a complete purge of everything you stored."
"What happens when we take the web browser out of web browsing?"
"Through data analysis and user research, we’ve come up with a few principles that represent the major pain points and areas for improvement:
- Offline is a status, not an error
- The offline experience is seamless
- Build trust through clear communication"
"Forms on the web don't usually play nice with bad connections. If you try to submit a form while offline, you'll most likely just lose your input. Here's how we might fix that."
An offline first, RWD, Progressive Rendering, Animated, Virtual-DOM & Web Worker WebApp
"The Service Worker Cookbook is a collection of working, practical examples of using service workers in modern web apps."
Patterns d'utilisation d'AppCache et des ServiceWorkers pour la gestion du offline.
Everything you need to know
Le RWD est en train de s'enfermer dans une vision "multi-écrans" qui le dessert. Alors qu'il peut répondre à d'autres contraintes : l'obsolescence du navigateur, la luminosité, l'online-offline... le RWD, ce n'est pas qu'une question d'apparence.