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Priority Hints are used to indicate to the browser the relative priority of a resource. I take a deep dive into how you can improve your Largest Contentful Paint by using fetchpriority.
The crossorigin attribute, when used with rel="preconnect", doesn't describe where the target origin is but rather what kind of assets will be downloaded from that origin. If the assets use CORS, crossorigin is needed. If CORS won't be used, crossorigin should be omitted. If both types of assets will be present, two resource hints are necessary.
Let’s take a look at all of the different Resource Hints we have available to us, real-world examples of how best to use them, and learn about some of the more obscure intricacies and gotchas that we need to be aware of if we want to really get the best out of them (and to make sure that we really are being smarter than the browser).