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Automation typically includes purely code-based tasks that don’t even think about a browser, but some tasks need to interact and use the browser as a human would like performing a search on a site. How can we leverage tools that can automate the browser and pack it into a serverless API endpoint to make easily accessible?
Game-changing impact of GatsbyJS on performance, accessibility and scalability of modern webapps, and how to integrate it with complex business requirements — be it for a brand new project or an existing ReactJS codebase.
Argumentaire simple en faveur d'un site statique avec Hugo
Improve Web Performance and save money by doing so
Combining the AsciiDoc markup language with the Hugo publishing platform produces fast, easy-to-maintain websites and blogs.
Welcome to Infusion: a documentation builder for inclusive designers and those trying to be inclusive designers. These are Infusion’s docs, but they are also an example of a site built with Infusion. Here are some of its features:
Built with Hugo, so easy to structure content and fast to compile it
Available to read offline, as a Progressive Web App
Include encapsulated live demos, inline with your markdown, using Shadow DOM
Quickly include WCAG and Inclusive Design Principles references
A responsive, screen reader and keyboard accessible static site as output
Automated Github Pages deployment
Includes a single-page printable version suitable for PDF conversion
Tutoriel de création et de configuration d'un site statique e-commerce avec Hugo (générateur de sites statiques) et Snipcart (système de gestion e-commerce par API).
"Smashing avait beaucoup de besoins. Il fallait créer un outil de build pour le magazine, un gestionnaire de contenus pour les milliers d’articles, un moteur de commentaires (avec plus de 200 000 commentaires !), une plate-forme de e-commerce pour les ventes, un service d’abonnement et un compte utilisateur."
"The website won’t be running on WordPress anymore; in fact, it won’t have a back end at all. We are moving to a JAMstack: articles published directly to Netlify CDNs, with a custom shop based on an open-sourced headless E-Commerce GoCommerce and a job board that’s all just static HTML; content editing with Netlify’s new open-source, Git-Based CMS, real-time search powered by Algolia, full HTTP/2 support, and the whole website running as a progressive web app with a service worker in the background (thanks to the awesome Service Worker Toolbox library)"
Un des plus importants blogs techniques front-end du monde passe en statique avec Algolia à la recherche, Netlify à l'intégration continue et Hugo comme compilateur. Un signe des temps pour la mouvance statique qui, sur un certain nombre de besoin éditoriaux, gagne logiquement du terrain.
Varnish optimise la gestion du cache HTTP. Mais est-il plus rapide qu'un site statique (généré ici parJekyll mais peu importe) ?
"Sculpin is a static site generator written in PHP. It converts Markdown files, Twig templates and standard HTML into a static HTML site that can be easily deployed."
"Le statique n’est pas qu’une mode destinée à rester confidentielle parmi les hackers, il est même en plein essor. C’est une solution qui vous devriez sérieusement considérée si vous souhaiter atteindre des objectifs de qualité à moindre coût pour des sites de contenus (landing page, documentation, blogs, etc.) ou des single page app. Son écosystème est en plein essor et continue de se développer."
"Just send your form to our URL and we'll forward it to your email. No PHP, Javascript or sign up required — perfect for static sites!"
A fast, simple & powerful blog framework
"Flexible, minimalistic, multi-platform static site generator built on top of node.js."