The Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.


"My Challenge to the Web Performance Community", Philip Walton (@philwalton)

Almost half of all pages that scored 100 on Lighthouse didn’t meet the recommended Core Web Vitals thresholds.

  1. If you're going to talk about the performance of a production site, use real-user data.
  2. If you're going to use a single number to cite a performance result, specify where that number falls in the distribution.
  3. When talking about real-user performance, be specific about the time period.
  4. If you do want to brag about your Lighthouse score or other lab results, do so in the context of the larger performance story.
"Strengthening the Link Between Site Speed and Business Outcomes", Andy Davies (@andydavies)

It’s easy to get excited about new techniques for measuring and improving site speed but this focus on the technical side of performance can lead us to think of speed as a technical issue, rather than a business issue with technical roots.