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September, 2024

"An Abridged History of Safari Showstoppers", Roderick E.J.H. Gadellaa (

TL;DR: iOS Safari is more than an inconvenience for developers, it's the fundamental reason interoperability has been stymied in...

Every browser has bugs. But the sheer quantity of things that only fail in Safari is kind of baffling.

Utilizing Contentsquare Digital Experience Monitoring helps gather and rank technical errors on websites. Errors on iOS/Safari are 15% to 45% higher than traffic share, indicating a higher error rate. Yet, none of the dev teams I spoke to planned tests on iOS/Safari.

Building a robust frontend using progressive enhancement - Service Manual - GOV.UK

How to build web pages so they work in HTML first: starting with HTML, extra styles and features, using JavaScript.

Do not build your service as a single-page application (SPA). This is where the loading of pages within your service is handled by JavaScript, rather than the browser.
Single page applications rarely bring benefits and can make the service inaccessible.

Justificatif d’identité à usage unique | France Identité

Le justificatif d’identité à usage unique, remplacez vos photocopies de titre d’identité par un document sécurisé pour éviter les fraudes

Verbatim Voice Tool

Verbatim helps you write on brand.

Use it to measure writing voice as defined by Brand Voice Academy — and understand how every edit impacts the vocabulary, tone, and cadence of your copy.

Adjust your voice to sound any way you want. By having specific measurements in mind, you can edit more precisely to write like anyone or any brand.

"Improving rendering performance with CSS content-visibility", Nolan Lawson (

Nolan faced a situation that required virtualization. He opted to utilize content-visibility instead for fast immediate gains.