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If you’ve created a color palette for a website or app, you’ve probably encountered a few of the challenges in creating color palettes for user interfaces. One of the most common challenges is meeting accessibility criteria such as a minimum contrast ratios defined by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
A project to make it easier for designers and engineers to leverage color science to create custom interpolations for a value scale, and to make it easier for designers and engineers to conform to WCAG minimum contrast standards by using contrast ratio as the starting point, rather than a post-color-selection auditing process.
We're headed into a dangerous time, when our society is run on digital platforms, and UX isn't leading the way to ensure that those tools are usable. While the best-trained (and highest-paid) UX professionals are put to work optimizing the exploitation and deception of online users, New Yorkers continue to die from Covid, because there's no easy way to schedule a vaccine visit.
Therefore I use either of the following two approaches if I need a special value:
- I use
as a “switched off” value. (As an aside, this approach is relatively well supported by TypeScript.)- I avoid both
via one of the techniques described above. This has the upside of being cleaner and the downside of involving more work.
Looking back on four decades in the software industry, I’m struck by how much has changed. I started my career with punch cards and I am ending in the era of cloud computing. Despite all this change, many principles that have helped me throughout my career haven’t changed and continue to be relevant. As I step away from the keyboard, I want to share six ideas I’ve learned from my career as a software engineer.
Tech is always political. The way data is collected and handled is often biased, and many products are neither accessible nor inclusive. Ethical Design Guide is made to share resources on how to create ethical products that don't cause harm.
Dropdown, navigation button, tooltip, collapsible panel, lightbox, tabs, switch like above…
UI components made in minutes without worried about JavaScript. Only set a few HTML attributes, and code the rest with your CSS skills.
Alpine.js offers you the reactive and declarative nature of big frameworks like Vue or React at a much lower cost.
Stimulus is a JavaScript framework with modest ambitions. It doesn't seek to take over your entire front-end—in fact, it's not concerned with rendering HTML at all. Instead, it's designed to augment your HTML with just enough behavior to make it shine. Stimulus pairs beautifully with Turbolinks to provide a complete solution for fast, compelling applications with a minimal amount of effort.
Excellent article, documenté et sourcé, sur les études sociolinguistiques explorant le rapport entre la langue écrite et orale, et la pensée, dans le cadre d'une langue inclusive.
Generating social share images with a serverless function and headless browser.
Great resource to understand React, actually
A tour of the internals of Chrome's rendering architecture, tracing the steps in the pipeline from web content to display pixels. Concretizes high-level concepts with pointers to important classes and data structures in the codebase.
Lors de mes missions chez le client, j’estime que mon travail ne se contente pas de seulement développer telle ou telle fonctionnalité demandée, mais d’avoir un rôle de conseil et d’accompagnement.
De ce fait, lorsque le PO (oui je boss très souvent dans des contextes agiles), vient avec l’idée de placer des encarts de pubs, ou encore d’ajouter un formulaire en plusieurs étapes, ou d’ajouter une vidéo, mon rôle de Software craftsmanship intervient, et plutôt que de répondre
The answer is, as with most matters: It depends. Depending on the type of content you’re working with and the kind of information you’re asking for, it could easily either be one checkbox or two radio buttons. The collection of answers above can hopefully help you make a more informed decision. But as with all user interfaces, nothing beats the input you can get from user testing and research. So hopefully the answers above can at least serve as a starting point in situations where you need more to make a decision.
Revisitant 60 ans d'histoire en France et chez nos voisins allemands et britanniques à l'aide d´archives éclairantes et avec des témoins et des spécialistes de premier plan, ce film déconstruit le mythe de l'excellence du maintien de l'ordre à la française tout en posant une question essentielle pour la démocratie : les manières de faire de la police, quand elle est confrontée à des citoyens en colère.
Great site called Operator Lookup that explains how JavaScript operators work. There are some code examples to explain what they do as well, which is pretty handy.
On reproche souvent aux Single Page Applications de négliger l'accessibilité. Même si c'est trop souvent le cas, ça n'est pas une fatalité, et il y a même quelques moyens à travers desquels les frameworks et l'écosystème JavaScript peuvent participer à son amélioration.