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A tool for drawing sassy UML diagrams based on syntax. Provides instant feedback and has a customizable styling.
It depends.
Saying no is hard, but it's also essential for your sanity. Here are some templates for how to say no - so you can take back your life.
I guess the point I’m making in a way here is that I could never win a “dev race” because it takes me ages to even get to the point of writing code and that’s been the case for a lot of years now. The benefit to being like this though is I get to put out fires before they even start.
La microtypographie, bien appliquée sur votre site Web peut grandement améliorer la lisibilité. Regardons de plus près comment ça fonctionne !
J’affirme ici que la non-qualité a des effets beaucoup plus graves sur la vie de ces populations. J’affirme que non, nous ne sommes pas égaux devant la non-qualité et que oui, si l’on se soucie vraiment de ces personnes, il est de notre devoir de proposer des contenus, des services, accessibles, sûrs, faciles à utiliser, simples, fiables, sobres et performants.
Pour mettre en forme leurs messages sur les réseaux sociaux, beaucoup de gens utilisent des générateurs de texte en faux gras, faux italique, caractères fantaisistes et abusent des émojis. Cela constitue, la plupart du temps, un détournement d'usage des caractères Unicode. Ce n’est pas sans poser des problèmes d’accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées et, notamment, pour les personnes aveugles utilisant un lecteur d’écran. Le texte ne sera pas lu correctement et sera totalement incompréhensible. Démonstrations et explications.
Utiliser un lien HTML classique sera toujours la meilleure des solutions, la plus accessible, la plus utilisable, la plus fiable, la plus robuste, la plus maintenable.
I want a feature called megablock that blocks a bad tweet, the bad tweet’s author, and every single person who liked the bad tweet, then sounds a brief alarm and makes your phone vibrate
The <div> is the most versatile and used element in HTML. It represents nothing, while allowing developers to manipulate it into almost anything by use...
I’ve learned that one reason there isn’t a good reference for the role of the CTO is that the size of the company and the expectations of the CEO define the job.
Automation typically includes purely code-based tasks that don’t even think about a browser, but some tasks need to interact and use the browser as a human would like performing a search on a site. How can we leverage tools that can automate the browser and pack it into a serverless API endpoint to make easily accessible?
Nous avons demandé à Hubert Guillaud, Rédacteur en chef d’InternetActu et analyste des grands mouvements et phénomènes qui traversent le champ du numérique et de la politique, son avis sur la possibilité d’une politique publique (progressiste) du numérique. « Nous sommes cernés par des systèmes néolibéraux augmentés par le numérique et les systèmes numériques de gauche sont...
An evergreen CSS course and reference to level up your web styling expertise.
Bruce Schneier coined "feudal security" to describe the dominant Big Tech security model, in which you surrender your autonomy by moving into a warlord's fortress (Google, Apple, Facebook, etc) and in return get protection from the bandits that roam the badlands without.
Ressources pour concevoir des services utiles et utilisables pour toutes et tous.
It’s rare that you will need to use a JavaScript label. In fact, you can lead a very fulfilling career without ever knowing that this exists. But, on the offhand chance you find that one place where this syntax helps out, you’re now empowered to use it.
Remember the goal isn’t to score high in a testing tool, or even to meet a WCAG guideline, but rather to make your content more widely available, including to assistive technology users.
This process starts with an awareness that we are not an emotion, we are having an emotion. The emotion is a transitory state of mind and body, not an identity. It can feel stilted and silly to say "I'm having the experience of anger" rather than "I'm angry!" But we're well-served by heightening our awareness of the distinction between the two. Perhaps "I'm feeling angry" is a reasonable compromise.
Saying that someone else "makes us feel" an emotion suggests that they are responsible for our emotional state, and that's highly problematic.
Having established some distance between our sense of self and our subjective emotional experience, we can then assess the steps through which we have contributed to our own response.
"A Super Flexible CSS Carousel, Enhanced With JavaScript Navigation", Maks Akymenko (@maks_akymenko)
Not sure about you, but I often wonder how to build a carousel component in such a way that you can easily dump a bunch of items into the component and get a nice working carousel — one that allows you to scroll smoothly, navigate with the dynamic buttons, and is responsive