1 private link
Techniques for faster rendering
"By utilizing a collection of UI patterns and speed optimisation techniques, you can improve not only the actual speed of a site, but the perception of how quickly a user thinks your site is loading."
The journey to Thumbor, part 3: Development and deployment strategy
La stratégie de cache CDN à L’Equipe
A lot of knowledge and effort must be made to create a user-friendly and accessible website, including something as seemingly trivial as an icon. With a lot of hard work I hope you find the icon solution that’s right for you and your website—at least for now.
"A Beginner's Guide to Website Speed Optimization (WordPress-Friendly)", Mark Gavalda (@MarkGavalda)
A comprehensive guide to Website Speed Optimization applied to Wordpress.
The book begins by focussing on the basics of Progressive Web Apps and then soon dives into their core features and demonstrates how to implement them on your own websites. The book dissects existing PWAs that many large organisations around the world have built and explores the different tips and tricks that you can use to improve your own Progressive Web Apps.
SWOT of WebAssembly for the Web.
"In order to decide which recipes lead to the best results in practice, some kind of cost-benefit analysis is desirable. But any cost-benefit analysis demands numbers, not just words, and the best numbers come from measurements."
Improve Web Performance and save money by doing so
"Your end goal should always be focused on your users and improving their experience."
"Hopefully the recommendations above give you some hard, quantitative data to help you pare down the options available. While they may be technical, they’re easy to find — and Dareboost does a good job of supplying tools, as well as tips and advice to help you understand the issues they’re highlighting."
"So, in conclusion, if you want to invalidate a script or other subresource, I would use the Iframe + POST technique today, which works in all browsers for both same-origin and cross-origin."
"Striking the right balance between security and user experience is undoubtedly a big challenge for both large enterprises and small businesses. Yet with a proper DEM solution in place, it doesn’t have to be quite so daunting."
Safari just landed Cache Storage API support, another step closer to PWAs on iOS
"Promising HTTP Headers for Web Performance", Anthony Barré (@AnthoBarre) #ClientHints #ServerTiming
A quick look at Client Hints and Server Timing Headers for better performances and monitoring.
To successfully manage your website performance, you first have to adopt a reliable and rigorous measuring tool and then, identify and use a combination of several performance indicators, meeting your objectives. If you would have to keep a single one, It should be the Speed Index.