1 private link
Nature, opportunités et risques autour de WebAssembly
- Always prefer classes
- Co-locate component code
- Use consistent class namespacing
- Maintain a strict mapping between namespaces and filenames
- Prevent leaking styles outside the component
- Prevent leaking styles inside the component
- Respect component boundaries
- Integrate external styles loosely
Mutating Web content using DOM Ranges
"The growing presence of Chinese companies will most likely initiate a new software evolution for the web through browsers, PWAs, search engines and geolocated services – and Google (Alphabet) is at the cutting edge of these four fields."
"Image compression is a biiiig subject, and we certainly haven’t covered every aspect of it here, but having discovered our preferred compression methods across each file type, these are the new guidelines for image compression at Kyan"
"In this article we have looked into using caching in order to enhance website performance. The enhanced performance will in turn lower operating costs for our websites and preserve our users’ flow, leading to a great user experience."
"There may be a lot of low-hanging fruit 🥝 affecting performance in areas you might not track very closely but are still very important."
Automating Your Accessibility Tests with aXe and pa11y
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines—for People Who Haven't Read Them
Sergey introduces a collection of design patterns for fast web sites http://www.speedpatterns.com/
Use a Fast DNS Provider ; Change TTL Values to Take Advantage of DNS Cache ; Reduce Number of Domains (hostnames) ; Use Alternative Services With Faster DNS ; Move and Host Resources on a CDN ; Take Advantage of DNS Prefetching ; Defer Loading of JavaScript ; Take Advantage of ANAME Records and CNAME Flattening
HTTP/2 has been designed from the ground up to address the inefficiencies of HTTP/1. Triggering a large number of requests in an HTTP/2 environment is no longer inherently bad for performance; transferring unnecessary data is.
"Image placeholders in SVG are ready for prime time thanks to browser support and good rendering performance. By automating SVG shape creation that mimics main features visible inside an image and compressing the result appropriately, we can achieve SVG-based image placeholders weighing in at only ~400 bytes. SQIP is a tool to make this process easy to integrate into your deployments."
Peter Hedenskog works in the performance team at the Wikimedia Foundation and explains how the monitoring is done with sitespeed.io.
Utility to automatically subset fonts for serving on the web.
"Using Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP) ensures that your users are presented with a usable page much faster. When combined with a lazy loading technique using Intersection Observer, your users save on bandwidth too. It has been fun to experiment with LQIP!"
"Le Perceptual Speed Index est un indice de performance de chargement de page qui indique à quelle vitesse le contenu d’une page commence à être visible."