1 private link
Client side accessibility error scanner.
"I spent a few days on and off learning parts of Vue to write a small app. I wrote the same app with Angular. I'm sharing my experience of working through Vue for the first time to help others that may be curious about the JavaScript framework landscape."
"We have tried to answer the unanswerable: What framework should I use? […] A framework is nothing more than an embodiment of some patterns, integration of some technologies, and source code to help make our web applications easier to build and maintain."
less parse/compile + less transfer + less to decompress
"We can do that by utilizing Lazy Loading. Lazy loading is a great way to optimize your site, and it does that by splitting your code at logical breakpoints, and then loading it once the user has done something that requires, or will require, a new block of code. This speeds up the initial load of the application and lightens its overall weight as some blocks may never even be loaded."
Array.prototype.include() and ** operator.
Lightweight JavaScript library for accurate web loading progress.
"We went from plain HTML and JS to using a package manager to automatically download 3rd party packages, a module bundler to create a single script file, a transpiler to use future JavaScript features, and a task runner to automate different parts of the build process."
In many cases in JavaScript coding, integers larger than 253 come up, where casting to a double-precision float would lose real, relevant data. This proposal provides a new, second primitive numeric type, BigInt, to meet those use cases.
A tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax.
"What should I choose?"
null > 0; // false
null == 0; // false
null >= 0; // true
Tutoriel de création et de configuration d'un site statique e-commerce avec Hugo (générateur de sites statiques) et Snipcart (système de gestion e-commerce par API).
Pourquoi [[]][0]++;
fontionne-t-il, là où []++;
lève une erreur ? Plongée dans les arcanes de JS.
"In the first tutorial of the series, you will learn about the basics of Anime.js. You will learn things like like selecting target elements and animating different properties related to them."
C3.js D3-based reusable chart library
A general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs.
Trevor reads .travis.yml and runs tests in all node versions you requested, just like Travis CI. Now, you can test before push and keep your git history clean.