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React est conçu pour résoudre des problèmes « business » plutôt que techniques.
Ensemble de plugins permettant d'inclure à son site des tableaux RWD. Plusieurs modes d'adaptation suivant les largeurs d'écran et les besoins fonctionnels.
Retour sur la refonte d'une application de veille d'Angular vers React & Redux. Bonus : partage des actions, reducers et constants avec React Native.
PHP library that renders React components on the server
An interactive guide to alternative voting systems or how to use the Web medium to provide a self-teaching lesson about democracy.
"N’importe quel script ou service externe que vous rajoutez à votre site va vous coûter quelque chose, qu’il soit gratuit ou pas."
"SuperAgent is light-weight progressive ajax API crafted for flexibility, readability, and a low learning curve after being frustrated with many of the existing request APIs."
"Hyperform is a complete implementation of the HTML 5 form validation API in Javascript. It replaces or polyfills the browser’s native methods and eases your validation task with custom events and hooks."
"JavaScript is great, and by all means use it, while also being aware that you can build so many functional UI components without the additional dependancy.
Maybe you can include a few lines of utility code, or a mixin, and forgo the requirement. If you're only targeting more modern browsers, you might not need anything more than what the browser ships with."
"This is a never ending story but it seems to me to flare up ever time our browsing technology leaps forward."
Un guide destiné aux intégrateurs chargés de réaliser des gabarits HTML et CSS accessibles.
Chrome peut, dans certains cas, bloquer l'exécution de scripts qui utilisent document.write(), une très mauvaise pratique pour la performance Web.
"Check, compile, transpile, optimize and compress JavaScript with Closure Compiler in JS"
"Comparing web animation techniques by showing how to bounce a ball with each one."
Full featured JavaScript gallery. No dependencies.
"Functional programming contains many ideas that we can use to make our own code simpler and better. Pure functions and immutable data minimise the hazards of side effects. Declarative programming maximises code readability. These are important tools that should be embraced in the fight against complexity."
Microsoft dévoile en open-source le cœur de son moteur d'exécution JavaScript : Chakra. En prime, une version de Node qui l'utilise.
"Create React App is a new officially supported way to create single-page React applications. It offers a modern build setup with no configuration"