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Les fonctionnalités sont nombreuses et permettent d’améliorer grandement l’expérience utilisateur. L’impact écologique est moindre, ce qui n’est pas négligeable non plus.
"I hope that this post has extended your vision on web performance beyond the well known barrier app vs network, and that this help you to rethink or improve your app architecture."
"A one year #PWA retrospective", Zack Argyle (@zackargyle) for Pinterest Engineering (@PinterestEng)
"Looking back over one full year since we started rebuilding our mobile web, we’re so proud of the experience we’ve created for our users. Not only is it significantly faster, it’s also our first platform to support right-to-left languages and “night mode.” Investing in a full-featured PWA has exceeded our expectations. And we’re just getting started."
"It may be a bit early to draw conclusions as there is still a lot of work and improvements to make. However our feeling is that the implementation of the PWA helped us to make a technical leap forward. We see it as a critical first step in supporting our mobile growth."
The Web Payments Working Group is not stopping at the Payment Request API. Work is also underway on other standards, including the Payment Handler API which will allow web applications to act as a third-party payment app.
"Managing your service worker cache invalidation is a key step in making your progressive web app a rich robust experience. It ensures that the content your customer sees and interacts with is the freshest content possible. It also guards your app from overstepping the cache quota and potentially causing a complete purge of everything you stored."
"Tinder are still iterating on their Progressive Web App but have already started to see positive results from the fruits of their labor. I’m excited to hear more about their progress in the near future!"
The book begins by focussing on the basics of Progressive Web Apps and then soon dives into their core features and demonstrates how to implement them on your own websites. The book dissects existing PWAs that many large organisations around the world have built and explores the different tips and tricks that you can use to improve your own Progressive Web Apps.
Safari just landed Cache Storage API support, another step closer to PWAs on iOS
"The growing presence of Chinese companies will most likely initiate a new software evolution for the web through browsers, PWAs, search engines and geolocated services – and Google (Alphabet) is at the cutting edge of these four fields."
"I’m afraid you’ll have to learn the entire Service Worker API along the way."
"Pinterest’s new mobile web experience is a Progressive Web App. In this post we’ll cover some of their work to load fast on mobile hardware by keeping JavaScript bundles lean and adopting Service Workers for network resilience."
"What happens when we take the web browser out of web browsing?"
"Progressive Web Apps. Ah yes, those things that Google would have you believe are a combination of Gandhi and Dumbledore, come to save the world from the terror that is the Painfully Slow Website™"
Understanding how much storage is available to your application is important when planning your experience. You need to find a good balance between caching everything and caching responsibly.
"First came a commitment to writing high-quality code. That required our programmers to think like minimalists. After that we moved to what the industry calls continuous deployment, or non-stop micro-product releases of new features, updates, maintenance and more. Real-time and comprehensive QA are also part of the process. Gone is that enterprise tech ethos of drumroll-release dates that are many months if not years apart. For the PWA, our journalists needed to stretch themselves beyond a century-old reliance on the 800-word story."
Welcome to Infusion: a documentation builder for inclusive designers and those trying to be inclusive designers. These are Infusion’s docs, but they are also an example of a site built with Infusion. Here are some of its features:
Built with Hugo, so easy to structure content and fast to compile it
Available to read offline, as a Progressive Web App
Include encapsulated live demos, inline with your markdown, using Shadow DOM
Quickly include WCAG and Inclusive Design Principles references
A responsive, screen reader and keyboard accessible static site as output
Automated Github Pages deployment
Includes a single-page printable version suitable for PDF conversion
PWA are just a shorthand for quality web experiences.
Un logo officiellement non-officiel pour un terme qui n'appartient à personne.