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The only thing React is better at than other front-end frameworks is being popular. So how long will that self-perpetuating cycle continue?
Great resource to understand React, actually
This is not a React hit piece, but rather a plea for consideration of how we do our work. Some of these performance pitfalls can be avoided if we take care to evaluate what tools make sense for the job, even for apps with a great deal of complex interactivity.
[…] if you use React or any VDOM library, you should spend some time investigating its impact on an array of devices. Get a cheap Android device and see how your app feels to use. Contrast that experience with your high-end devices.
Lazy loading strategies for performance gains within React applications.
And for what? Again - there is a swath of use cases which would be hard without React and which aren’t complicated enough to push beyond React’s limits. But there are also a lot of problems for which I can’t see any concrete benefit to using React. Those are things like blogs, shopping-cart-websites, mostly-CRUD-and-forms-websites. For these things, all of the fancy optimizations are optimizations to get you closer to the performance you would’ve gotten if you just hadn’t used so much technology.
Today, we'll look at measuring React component render performance with the React Profiler API, measuring interactions with React's new experimental Interaction Tracing API and measuring custom metrics using the User Timing API.
This leads to a situation for users that’s almost worse than before. Instead of staring at a blank screen, now they get HTML lickety-split—excellent! But if they try to interact with what’s on screen, they’ll find that nothing is working yet. Even worse, once the JavaScript is delivered, and is being parsed, they probably can’t even scroll—their device is too busy interpreting all that JavaScript. Your users suffer.
Game-changing impact of GatsbyJS on performance, accessibility and scalability of modern webapps, and how to integrate it with complex business requirements — be it for a brand new project or an existing ReactJS codebase.
In this article, I will attempt to demystify the high-level strategies of the most popular CSS-in-JS libraries, discuss the performance issues they may introduce on occasion and finally consider techniques that we can employ to mitigate them.
"After a lot of trialing we have settled (for now at least) on moving our rendering tier to React and Emotion. This will doubtless generate a new set of challenges, but we expect that they should at least solve the set we have right now."
tl;dr: There are no silver bullets to web performance. Simple static pages benefit from being server-rendered with minimal JavaScript. Libraries can provide great value for complex pages when used with care.
"If you’ve been waiting to try out React, Gatsby is a great place to start! If you’re struggling to make your React app fast, try switching to Gatsby! If you’re tired of using technology X to build websites and have a huge secret crush on React, well, Gatsby is waiting with open arms"
"There may be a lot of low-hanging fruit 🥝 affecting performance in areas you might not track very closely but are still very important."
"We have tried to answer the unanswerable: What framework should I use? […] A framework is nothing more than an embodiment of some patterns, integration of some technologies, and source code to help make our web applications easier to build and maintain."
"We can do that by utilizing Lazy Loading. Lazy loading is a great way to optimize your site, and it does that by splitting your code at logical breakpoints, and then loading it once the user has done something that requires, or will require, a new block of code. This speeds up the initial load of the application and lightens its overall weight as some blocks may never even be loaded."
Technical Introduction to React by a maintainer of PostGraphQL, a GraphQL API-generator on top of PostgreSQL.
La version PWA de Twitter avait un problème de performance. Paul explique comment l'équipe l'a résolu.
React est conçu pour résoudre des problèmes « business » plutôt que techniques.
Retour sur la refonte d'une application de veille d'Angular vers React & Redux. Bonus : partage des actions, reducers et constants avec React Native.