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Picture Wall - 18 pics
"The self-fulfilling prophecy of React", Josh Collinsworth (
"Common #React interview questions and vetted, eloquent answers to rehearse", Alex Booker (@bookercodes)
"radEventListener: a Tale of Client-side Framework Performance", Jeremy Wagner (@malchata)
"Lazy Loading: A Performance Journey", Craig Morten (@CraigMorten)
"Profiling React.js Performance", Addy Osmani (@addyosmani)
"Hydration", Jeremy Keith (@adactio) in response to "X benefits by including JavaScript" statements
[Video] "Fast by Default: Near Instant Load Times at Scale with GatsbyJS", Nicolas Goutay (@phacks)
"The unseen performance costs of CSS-in-JS in React apps", Aggelos Arvanitakis (@AggArvanitakis)
"Revisiting the rendering tier", Alex Sanders (at @guardian) #React #CssInJS
"A Netflix Web Performance Case Study", Addy Osmani (@addyosmani) #JS #TTI #Vanilla #React
"Lazy Loading Routes in #React", Yomi Eluwande (@yomieluwande) #WebPerf
"All the fundamental React.js concepts, jammed into this single Medium article", Samer Buna
"Utiliser React est une décision stratégique, pas un choix technologique", Eric Baer (traduit par Etienne Zulauf)
"Baywatch : d'Angular à React, avec une dose de ReactNative", Baptiste Adrien (@shinework)
"Le coût de développement des applications mobiles natives est bien trop élevé !", Xavier Carpentier
"Dance to Calypso", Matt Mullenweg
"React Native for Android: How we built the first cross-platform React Native app", Daniel Witte & Philipp von Weitershausen
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