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Picture Wall - 41 pics
"The Mobile Performance Inequality Gap", Alex Russell (@slightlylate)
"Design et performance : ces cas oubliés", Stéphanie Walter (@walterstephanie)
[Video] "Designing for Speed", Mustafa Kurtuldu (@Mustafa_x)
"Mise à jour Google Page Experience : comment être prêt pour mai 2021 ?", Wendy Carré (for @Contentsquare)
"Yes or No? — One Checkbox vs Two Radio Buttons.", Sara Soueidan (@SaraSoueidan)
"Measuring Core Web Vitals with Sentry", Robin Rendle (@robinrendle)
"Prevent layout shifts with CSS grid stacks", Hubert Sablonnière (@hsablonniere)
"UX designers et développeurs de tous les produits, unissez-vous !", Émilie Dumaine
"Exclusion numérique et société « digitalisée »" - Véronique Lapierre (@webetcaetera)
"Want to Improve UI Performance? Start by Understanding Your User", Darren Hebner (@darrenhebner)
Service Design Tools - Communication methods supporting design processes
[Slides] "Performance… It’s for People!", Andy Davies (@andydavies)
"A Bone to Pick with Skeleton Screens", Kathryn Faulkner and Katherine Olvera (for @viget)
"How to Speed Up Your UX with Skeleton Screens", Chris Lienert (@cliener)
Now in Chrome Canary : "Blink LazyLoad"
"Hacking user perception to make your websites and apps feel faster", Mustafa Kurtuldu (@Mustafa_x)
"Speed matters when providing assistive experiences", Jon Diorio (@jdiorio)
"Performance, it’s a mindset", Joel Yourstone (@JoelYourstone)
"Donner vie à des personas", Anne-Sophie Tranchet (@annso_) sur @24joursdeweb #ux
"Where is the Western WeChat?", Boris Schapira (@borisschapira) #pwa #amp #ux #paymentApi
"Why the Email Confirmation Field Must Die", Anthony (@uxmovement)
"realprogress.js: Lightweight JavaScript library for accurate web loading progress.", Hristiyan Dodov (@hristiyandodov)
"When One App Rules Them All: The Case of WeChat and Mobile in China – Andreessen Horowitz", @conniechan
"Marking Required vs. Optional form fields", Luke Wroblewski
"The Distribution of Users’ Computer Skills: Worse Than You Think", Jakob Nielsen
Dark Patterns - User Interfaces Designed to Trick People
Call To Idea
"Designing for Large Screen Smartphones", Luke Wroblewski
"Responsive Navigation Patterns", Brad Frost
"Multi-Device Layout Patterns", Luke Wroblewski
UX Project Checklist
UX Myths
Les 3 erreurs à ne pas commettre en termes d'expérience utilisateur
ENFOS/FlowupLabels.js · GitHub
Créer des GIFs animés de présentation d'UI/UX Design - Alsacreations
X to Close | Lauren Archer (via @HTeuMeuLeu)
Creating distraction-free reading experiences — azumbrunnen
Top designers react to Google’s new ‘Material’ design language | VentureBeat | Business | by Harrison Weber
GoodUI | An interface is nice to the people using it
UX the Bruce Lee Way | UX Magazine
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